AI technology will be critical in the race to a cleaner future

ai cleaner
ai cleaner

The renewable energy sector isn’t just growing – it’s booming.

The past three months alone has seen the UK announce three major milestones – covering carbon storage, offshore wind and hybrid energy projects – to propel it further down the road towards net zero.

But that journey is no longer only about creating a sustainable, green future. World events have brought security of supply sharply into focus, placing new impetus on governments to accelerate alternative energy projects.

While moving at pace is critical for the planet, the old proverb of more haste, less speed – warning against making errors by acting too quickly and without due diligence – should be weighing on the minds of developers.

Nicola Blanshard, CEO of Geoteric, a world-leading AI-driven seismic interpretation software provider, believes the balance of speed and success can be achieved through appropriate application of technology.

She explained: “The need for alternative energy sources beyond hydrocarbons is well understood, and a massive expansion of carbon storage and offshore wind projects will be required to meet the Paris Agreement targets.

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