Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health

“I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous — everyone hasn’t met me yet.”

YOU KNOW THE STEREOTYPE FOR TALK THERAPY: A coach with a patient supine and a quiet place. But what about the future? Might we incorporate artificial intelligence (AI)-powered software into mental health management?

We now have artificial intelligence apps that analyze the human voice and text. I find the prospect of machines invading this therapeutic space both exciting and dangerous.

Let’s look at how artificial intelligence-powered software is about to revolutionize mental health care.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI)has crashed my field of cancer management. For example, AI helps us to .

Once we have a breast cancer diagnosis, artificial intelligence and machine learning tools help us determine the cancer biology (for example, the “robot” helps determine whether cells have too much of a receptor called HER-2). In treatment, artificial intelligence tools are working their way into radiation therapy.

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