Best Universities for Blockchain 2022
We ranked the 50 top schools, screened from a sample of 240 institutions worldwide, on their scholarly, industrial and pedagogical impact on blockchain. This story is part of CoinDesk’s Education Week.
CoinDesk announces our 2022 ranking of the 50 universities with the biggest impact on blockchain. We examined each of 240 schools based on metrics that include the number and influence of its research publications, the number of courses, degrees, conferences, clubs and industry partnerships or grants, where graduates get jobs, its reputation and many other measurements.
This piece is part of CoinDesk’s Education Week
For more on the methodology, including details of these metrics, read Best Universities for Blockchain 2022: CoinDesk’s Methodology. For a brief profile of each of our 50 outstanding schools, click on each of the names below. And to get insight and analysis on what our data reveal about the biggest changes regionally and across the globe concerning blockchain research, and what that might indicate about the regulatory temperature for blockchain, see The Best Universities for Blockchain 2022: Where Is Research Having The Biggest Impact?