Here’s how workers can show off their AI skills

ai skills
ai skills

When IBM was building the first computers in the 1950s, the world and its workers had to prepare for a technology they knew little about. A similar scenario may be playing out when it comes to AI.

Artificial intelligence has controlled the business narrative so far in 2023, with Nvidia crediting the technology for its recent blockbuster earnings. Other companies are similarly enamored of AI and how it could possibly transform their businesses and productivity.

Not to be left behind, workers may wonder if their résumés should showcase their AI skills. They should, experts say, and here’s how to do it.

“Technology such as ChatGPT or other AI iterative technology or generative text technologies are going to play a larger role in practically every industry and that it behooves us to be open minded,” said Amanda Augustine from TopResumé. “It’s a reality in today’s workplace that most people are going to have to dabble or leverage ChatGPT as part of their roles or AI technology in general. It’s becoming part of those roles.”

Research AI vigorously

Augustine recommends that Americans who haven’t already begun using ChatGPT begin familiarizing themselves with the tool.

Run a search for « common uses of AI technology » in your respective field. For instance, a financial adviser might google the ways AI is being used in their jobs.

« How is it most commonly used in the workplace today or in you know, in this field? Get a better sense of how that’s working and then dive deeper and look for tutorials to help you understand…The biggest thing is, you have to be proactive, » said Augustine.
