Implementing AI and managing relationships

Implementing AI and managing relationships

As artificial intelligence matures and expands within enterprises, leaders across industries are struggling to get everyone on board. At the same time, they must manage customer and employee relationships amid shifting expectations in an era of digital transformation.

The latest ideas from MIT Sloan Management Review consider how to overcome the barriers of AI implementation and go all in on putting AI tools into production. Leaders will also learn how to know what customers want, how to avoid a toxic workplace, and how to run effective brainstorming sessions.

Overcome 3 common barriers to using AI tools

AI-powered decision-making tools have the potential to increase efficiency, improve service quality, reduce costs, and boost revenue. But this only happens if workers use the tools. Often, they do not.

AI projects face resistance from front-line workers in industries ranging from health care to retail, MIT Sloan professorwrites, along with co-authors Mark Sendak and Suresh Balu. This resistance typically stems from three conflicts of interest among AI developers, corporate leadership, and end users. A more holistic approach to implementation can break through these barriers.

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