Python going strong at 31, but we might never see v4.0

Python going strong at 31, but we might never see v4.0

“Better database access modules, an integrated development environment, more documentation and more users, of course,” is what Guido van Rossum, creator of Python programming language, had to say about the programming language in a 1998 interview. Rossum’s words have clearly turned into reality over the course of 31 years since Python’s first release in 1991.

Consistently leading the charts

Python has consistently been the top choice for data scientists and developers for several years now. It has a vibrant and resourceful community supporting it as well. It has stood the test of time and continues to enjoy massive loyalty across the globe. A few days back, Python won the prestigious TIOBE Programming Language of the Year award for the second time in a row for 2021.

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