What consumers think about AI – and the impact on your industry and business

What consumers think about AI – and the impact on your industry and business

Even as AI takes center stage in daily consumer life, sentiments about the technology are tremendously divided. Separating the hype from the reality is a chore even for business leaders in the thick of it. On top of that, the moral and ethical questions that the technology raises as it comes into the spotlight are tremendously provocative.

YouGov, a global consumer opinion and data analytics firm, stepped into the intersection between the tech and consumer life to uncover areas where sentiment is charged, and where companies can make strides in communication and education around how AI is used.

“True or false, consumers make decisions based on beliefs at least as much, if not more than, they make decisions based on facts,” says Evan Williams, chief product officer at YouGov. “If companies want to increase adoption, then education to address any negative belief systems becomes crucial.”

For instance, among consumers who said they weren’t informed about AI, only 20% thought AI would have a positive impact on society. That number shoots up to 50% percent among those who feel they have a handle on the technology.

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