Is DeepMind’s new reinforcement learning system a step toward general AI?
This article is part of our reviews of AI research papers, a series of posts that explore the latest findings in artificial intelligence. One of the [… Read more ]
This article is part of our reviews of AI research papers, a series of posts that explore the latest findings in artificial intelligence. One of the [… Read more ]
The US military’s AI experiments are growing particularly ambitious. The Drive reports that US Northern Command recently completed a string of tests for Global Information Dominance Experiments (GIDE), a combination of AI, [… Read more ]
C’est l’exemple type de la construction d’une légende urbaine: un zeste de vérité, beaucoup d’exagération et un titre tape à l’œil. «Sept personnes détiennent les clés [… Read more ]
Scientists last month unveiled the most exhaustive database yet of the proteins that form the building blocks of life, in a breakthrough where observers said [… Read more ]
Data science and artificial intelligence are two technologies that are transforming the world. While artificial intelligence powers data science operations, data science is not completely [… Read more ]
Selon un récent article rédigé par des chercheurs de l’Imperial College de Londres, les interfaces cerveau-machine pourraient être très dangereuses pour l’avenir de l’humanité. Les scientifiques mettent en [… Read more ]
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