How to optimize Windows event logging to better investigate attacks
After a compromise, the first thing investigators will do is review the log files. The default logging on Windows machines, however, does not capture enough [… Read more ]
After a compromise, the first thing investigators will do is review the log files. The default logging on Windows machines, however, does not capture enough [… Read more ]
L’entreprise accusée de récupérer illégalement des données sur les utilisateurs de Facebook a refusé de se soumettre à un audit. Facebook poursuit également l’exploitant d’un [… Read more ]
Et si, quand vous demandiez à Alexa de lire la météo, elle activait des caméras et envoyait un flux d’image vers l’extérieur ? [Lire la [… Read more ]
Les CDO (Chief Data Officer) peuvent avoir du mal à montrer des avantages significatifs de l’exploitation des données à leur direction. Se concentrer sur la [… Read more ]
La nouvelle politique de Google Ads entrera en vigueur le 1er septembre 2020. Source : A l’approche des élections américaines, Google interdit les publicités liées à [… Read more ]
Garmin’s services, websites and customer service have all been down since Wednesday night. Garmin, maker of fitness trackers, smartwatches and GPS-related products, has reportedly suffered [… Read more ]
Industry and academic research into a selection of self-certified electronic logging devices found those in the sample did little to nothing to follow cybersecurity best [… Read more ]
The North Korean APT has been using the framework, called MATA, for a number of purposes, from spying to financial gain. The North Korean APT [… Read more ]
Lorien Health Services in Maryland announced that it was the victim of a ransomware incident in early June. Data was stolen and then encrypted during [… Read more ]
How to Know If You’ve Been Hacked, and What to Do About It Facebook. Google. Netflix. Sometimes your accounts get compromised, so it’s vital to [… Read more ]
Hackers are taking Roblox credentials leaked on Pastebin, accessing accounts, and leaving the same « Ask your parents to vote for Trump this year » message on [… Read more ]
Ayant pu mettre la main sur des serveurs de streaming illégaux, des policiers britanniques en ont profité pour insérer un avertissement pour tous les abonnés. [… Read more ]
Microsoft yesterday quietly released out-of-band software updates to patch two high-risk security vulnerabilities affecting hundreds of millions of Windows 10 and Server editions’ users. To [… Read more ]
The two countries have been at loggerheads with each other for years over Ethiopia’s construction of the massive hydroelectric dam on the Nile—Egypt’s sole water [… Read more ]
A typical business network has at least one of them and probably more than the admins want to admit: a legacy server or workstation running [… Read more ]
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