How AI Can Make Strategy More Human

How AI Can Make Strategy More Human

radically human approach to human-machine interaction is turning assumptions about the basic building blocks of innovation upside down. Specifically, the new utility of small data — including the ability to create “synthetic” data to simulate a set of circumstances — is bringing the power of AI at scale within reach of entities that previously couldn’t afford it. Instead of machines “learning” by processing mountains of data, humans can now teach machines based on human experience, perception, and intuition. That means more people throughout organizations can use AI in new ways, based on their individual expertise.

The resulting bigger picture? Cumbersome legacy IT architecture is giving way to living systems that can weave together technologies, data, and talent in a hyper-digital world of mobile computing, AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and billions of devices. These developments have opened up vast possibilities for strategy innovation — yet only a small number of companies have made a radical leap into new strategies that these radically human technologies have opened up.

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