My nightmare trip into the metaverse

My nightmare trip into the metaverse

A new documentary sees a reporter don a VR headset and head into the world that’s supposed to be our future. Within 10 minutes, she had witnessed the most disturbing sights of her life – in a space seven-year-olds can access

But within the first 10 minutes of putting on a VR headset and entering a chat room, I saw underage kids simulating oral sex on each other. I experienced sexual harassment, racism and rape jokes. At one point, I heard someone say “I like little girls from the age of nine to 12: that’s just my thing.”

I came across one user who was spewing the most disgusting language I’ve ever heard in my life, to the point where we couldn’t even broadcast what he was saying. I’m talking extreme racism – hate speech, listing the kinds of people he hated, the kinds of people he wanted to kill. It was just so violent. And it all happened in a room I was able to access despite using a profile that I’d listed as being 13 years old.

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