Hedge Funds Seek the Amazon of Cryptocurrencies
During a gold rush, invest in shovel makers, goes the adage. That’s precisely what hedge funds looking to get in on the excitement around cryptocurrencies [… Read more ]
During a gold rush, invest in shovel makers, goes the adage. That’s precisely what hedge funds looking to get in on the excitement around cryptocurrencies [… Read more ]
A cyber-crime group known as REvil took meticulous care when picking the timing for its most recent attack – US Independence Day, 4 July. They [… Read more ]
The images are so crafted and « painterly » that you may not realise at first they have been dreamed up by a machine in just a [… Read more ]
Windows 10 and Windows 11 are vulnerable to a local elevation of privilege vulnerability after discovering that users with low privileges can access sensitive Registry [… Read more ]
Today, Tractable is worth $1 billion. Our AI is used by millions of people across the world to recover faster from road accidents, and it also [… Read more ]
KEY POINTS After Beijing decided to expel its miners in May, more than 50% of the hashrate – the collective computing power of miners worldwide [… Read more ]
Le lanceur d’alerte américain réagit au scandale du Projet Pegasus. Il dénonce ces entreprises qui, sous couvert de sécurité, ne vendent que des logiciels espions, et [… Read more ]
La mission originelle du CEFCYS est de promouvoir les femmes dans le secteur de la cybersécurité. En 2020, nous organisions le premier trophée des femmes de [… Read more ]
Forbidden Stories, Amnesty International et seize médias internationaux ont révélé l’un des plus grands scandales d’espionnage de la décennie, qui concerne au moins onze États [… Read more ]
Plusieurs journalistes marocains ont été surveillés via le logiciel espion Pegasus de la firme israélienne NSO. Le Maroc déploie des moyens colossaux pour bâillonner les dernières voix [… Read more ]
THE PENTAGON SEES artificial intelligence as a way to outfox, outmaneuver, and dominate future adversaries. But the brittle nature of AI means that without due care, the [… Read more ]
“Is there scientific value in conducting empirical research in reinforcement learning when restricting oneself to small- to mid-scale environments?” Can a research done on a [… Read more ]
À la rentrée prochaine, les lycéens d’Ile-de-France disposeront d’un nouvel outil pour lutter contre les fautes d’orthographe : l’intelligence artificielle, à travers le logiciel Adaptiv’Langue. « Ce n’est pas [… Read more ]
If you have been frustrated by the lack of interest your local representative shows during their work hours, here’s a way to flag it now. [… Read more ]
SINGAPORE — Making sure that AI-driven services and products are ethical and can be trusted could become a competitive strength for businesses, experts said Wednesday. [… Read more ]
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