Building a pipeline of AI talent and projects requires technical as well as educational merit. For this, AI centres of excellence led by world-renowned scientific advisors are necessary.
Stronger AI ecosystems emerge when government to grassroots initiatives get involved.
AI ecosystems materialize as value networks. They redesign the entry margin for stakeholders to start their journey into AI, offering them a path to participate.
The benefits of artificial intelligence as a catalyst for economic growth are distributed unevenly across cities around the world. Consequently, so is its talent. The AI hubs that we know of in Boston, Silicon Valley, Toronto (and so on) don’t exist in the heartland of the United States or in emerging or frontier markets globally.
These AI hubs are all anchored by some of the greatest learning institutions in the world, led by scientific advisors who attract global talent. Without such an AI ecosystem, you will not be able to build the next generation of AI talent.