Investing in Cygnvs


Cyber incidents have reached a crisis level over the past decade. In 2021, the U.S. saw 1,862 data compromises, affecting nearly 300 million people (a nearly 100% increase from five years ago). Cybersecurity practitioners no longer wonder if they will deal with a breach, but when and how severe the breach they deal with will be. Even though the cyber insurance market has grown rapidly to insure this increasing risk, companies remain underprepared to respond to the inevitable.

Most companies prepare and plan for a breach. However, that plan is often filed away inside a system that is breached alongside the rest of the company’s core systems, rendering it useless. Once an incident happens, the key company personnel needed to help resolve it struggles to collaborate both with each other and with critical external stakeholders like incident response firms, insurers, law firms, and consultants.

Enter Cygnvs, the Crisis Operating System (Crisis OS) that acts as the system of record for pre-incident preparation and post-incident response and as a communications platform in times of crisis. Its proprietary software exists in an environment separate from the systems a company uses for daily operations, creating a secure platform where key response personnel can communicate internally and coordinate with external parties during a breach.

Cygnvs already works with many of the world’s largest cyber insurance carriers and brokers who offer the Cygnvs platform to their policyholders. As policyholders sign up and leverage the existing pre-incident templates and respond to incidents, their learnings and best practices can be shared across the entire Cygnvs system, leading to more value being created for all. Many companies choose to buy Cygnvs directly in order to customize their own playbooks and to bring their own panel of vendors.

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