Joomla Team Discloses Data Breach – 2,700 Individuals Were Affected
Joomla is a popular free and open-source content management system used for publishing web content. The team behind the CMS discloses the data breach last [… Read more ]
Joomla is a popular free and open-source content management system used for publishing web content. The team behind the CMS discloses the data breach last [… Read more ]
A wave of cyber-spying around COVID-19 medical research is once more demonstrating the perils of treating cybersecurity as a separate, walled-off realm. Driving the news: [… Read more ]
An unprecedented Iranian cyberattack targeted six facilities in Israel’s water infrastructure on April 24-25 nearly dumped lethal levels of chemicals into the Israeli water system. [… Read more ]
Dans une note publique rare, la NSA accuse un des bras cyber de l’armée russe d’avoir exploité pendant plus d’un an une faille critique d’un [… Read more ]
Des chercheurs d’ESET ont découvert une nouvelle version de la backdoor ComRAT, utilisée par les hackers d’élites de Turla pour dérober des documents confidentiels. Ce [… Read more ]
Un nouveau plugin buggué permet à des cybercriminels de prendre le contrôle et de supprimer toutes les données d’un site internet tournant avec WordPress. Pas [… Read more ]
C ybercriminals are known to leverage on global phenomenon for personal gain, be it the elections or the Olympic Games. And COVID-19 is no different. [… Read more ]
A group of business email compromise (BEC) Nigerian scammers has been targeting U.S. unemployment systems and COVID-19 relief funds provided through the CARES Act. The [… Read more ]
Microsoft is warning of an ongoing COVID-19 themed phishing campaign that installs the NetSupport Manager remote administration tool. In a series of tweets, the Microsoft [… Read more ]
The digital threat landscape is always changing. This year is an excellent (albeit extreme) example. With the help of Dimensional Research, Tripwire found out that [… Read more ]
Almost daily now there is news about flaws in commercial software that lead to computers getting hacked and seeded with malware. But the reality is [… Read more ]
3 hours ago Andy Greenberg / Wired A technique called NXNSAttack that could allow a relatively small number of computers to carry out distributed denial [… Read more ]
Les opérateur du rançongiciel Sodinokibi continuent leur divulgation des données du cabinet d’avocat des stars GSM Law. Après avoir publié les données relatives à Lady [… Read more ]
[Enquête Numerama] Le site de discussions et de rencontres BDSM Domi a laissé sans protection les données de 20 000 utilisateurs. Un hacker aurait pu [… Read more ]
Le Cloud est l’un des piliers de la transformation numérique. Pour autant, 90 % des organisations se déclarent préoccupées par la sécurité dans le Cloud. [… Read more ]
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