Dark web scammers exploit Covid-19 fear and doubt
Image copyright Getty Images. « They’re exploiting the fear, uncertainty and doubt people are experiencing during the pandemic, and using the anxiety and desperation to get [… Read more ]
Image copyright Getty Images. « They’re exploiting the fear, uncertainty and doubt people are experiencing during the pandemic, and using the anxiety and desperation to get [… Read more ]
Academic researchers at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), a research institute and university in Lausanne Switzerland, discovered a new vulnerability in the Bluetooth [… Read more ]
B lueScope, an Australian steel products manufacturer, reported a cyber incident that affected its manufacturing and sales operations in Australia. The type or source of [… Read more ]
Le phishing ? C’est quoi ? Le phishing est une technique qui permet à des hackers d’obtenir des informations personnelles sur les victimes afin d’usurper leur identité. [… Read more ]
When I first started covering data security in the 1990s, the relatively new CISO role was almost an entirely technical role. Even if CISOs didn’t [… Read more ]
Cryptomining hacks aren’t new by any stretch, but a string of recent incidents is raising eyebrows. ZDNet reports that culprits infected multiple European supercomputers with [… Read more ]
Bugs in email clients aren’t unheard of, but they typically affect only those messages sent by or intended for you. Edison, however, had a more [… Read more ]
The Senate rejected an amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that would have prevented the government from accessing Americans’ web browsing data without a [… Read more ]
APT 1, Unité 61398, Shangai Group ou Comment Crew est un groupe cyber criminel mystérieux, actif depuis 2006, attaquant de grandes entreprises et leurs réseaux. [… Read more ]
En 2019, TikTok avait récolté une amende pour l’illégalité de son manque de protection des données personnelles d’enfants. Un an plus tard, les problèmes ne [… Read more ]
“Plus le mot de passe est long et complexe, plus il est difficile de casser le mot de passe.” Potentiellement chaque ordinateur qui est connecté [… Read more ]
Le Browser hijacker (détournement de navigateur en français) lance un programme malveillant qui modifie les paramètres du navigateur de votre ordinateur et vous redirige sur [… Read more ]
Research by work management platform Wrike revealed that 41% of employees working remotely are accessing sensitive and confidential company information through unsecured personal applications, leaving [… Read more ]
Cisco Systems and Palo Alto Networks have fixed similar high-risk authentication bypass vulnerabilities in their network security devices that were caused by an oversight in [… Read more ]
Un Botnet, également connu sous le nom d’armées de zombies, est un réseau d’ordinateurs infectés par un logiciel malveillant afin qu’ils puissent être contrôlés à [… Read more ]
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