Building better startups with responsible AI
Machine learning

GPT-3 Scared You?

Meet Wu Dao 2.0: A Monster of 1.75 Trillion Parameters Wu Dao 2.0 is 10x larger than GPT-3. Imagine what it can do. We’re living [… Read more ]

4 things VCs get wrong about AI

4 things VCs get wrong about AI

VCs have a detailed playbook for investing in software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies that has served them well in recent years. Successful SaaS businesses provide predictable, recurring [… Read more ]

Des braqueurs de banque volent 35 millions de dollars grâce à une voix deepfake

Four Types Of Blockchain

Blockchain is converting as Bitcoin, and exquisite cryptocurrencies mature, customers name for supply chain responsibility and middleware is advanced. Read more about bitcoin selling and [… Read more ]