Can ChatGPT Recommend Movies?
MORE OFTEN than I like, after scanning the endless carousels on streaming apps, I find myself re-watching “Seinfeld.” I attribute this to a combo of laziness and [… Read more ]
MORE OFTEN than I like, after scanning the endless carousels on streaming apps, I find myself re-watching “Seinfeld.” I attribute this to a combo of laziness and [… Read more ]
The geopolitical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and its most prominent example to date – ChatGPT – remain deeply uncertain. It will surely roil the technology industry and change [… Read more ]
At 82 years old, with an aggressive form of blood cancer that six courses of chemotherapy had failed to eliminate, “Paul” appeared to be out [… Read more ]
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a new way to track the insect pollinators essential to farming. In a new study, we installed miniature digital cameras and computers inside a [… Read more ]
If you’re worried about losing your job to AI, you’re not alone. What fields are already being impacted by the growth of AI, and which [… Read more ]
L’éditeur, racheté par la société chinoise Kunlun Tech, réfléchit actuellement à intégrer ChatGPT dans ses produits. On sait peu de choses sur ce que l’entreprise [… Read more ]
Le 10 février s’est tenu le colloque « IA et mégadonnées : comment vont-elles révolutionner la recherche et la pratique médicale de demain ? » [… Read more ]
L’arrivée annoncée de ChatGPT dans Bing, et de Bard dans Google, soulève de nombreuses inquiétudes, allant de la chute possible de la fréquentation des sites web, et donc de [… Read more ]
e 10 février s’est tenu le colloque « IA et mégadonnées : comment vont-elles révolutionner la recherche et la pratique médicale de demain ? » [… Read more ]
By 2025, it is estimated that over 30 billion connected devices will be in circulation worldwide, representing an average of 4 IoT devices per person. [… Read more ]
Artificial intelligence (AI) is both omnipresent and conceptually slippery, making it notoriously hard to regulate. Fortunately for the rest of the world, two major experiments [… Read more ]
The finance sector is among the keenest adopters of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), the predictive powers of which have been demonstrated everywhere [… Read more ]
The world of retail banking is set for change in the coming years, with niche players, neobanks, FinTechs and big techs all seeking to grow [… Read more ]
Amazon is testing a fleet of robotaxis on public roads in California, using employees as passengers, as the tech behemoth moves closer to a commercial service [… Read more ]
Évidemment, une des premières inquiétudes émises après l’arrivée de ChatGPT est venue du côté de l’enseignement. Est-ce que les élèves vont remettre des travaux exécutés [… Read more ]
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