3 Components CIOs Need to Create an Ethical AI Framework
CIOs shouldn’t wait for an ethical AI framework to be mandatory. Whether buying the technology or building it, they need processes in place to embed [… Read more ]
CIOs shouldn’t wait for an ethical AI framework to be mandatory. Whether buying the technology or building it, they need processes in place to embed [… Read more ]
The success or failure of AI initiatives has more to do with people than with technology. If you want to put AI into practice in [… Read more ]
An internal report on Artificial Intelligence recently approved by a special committee of the European Parliament embodies a push from EU lawmakers and member states [… Read more ]
An AI tool can quickly suggest possible candidates for the chemical structures of psychoactive “designer drugs” from a simple analysis. The tool could fast-track the development of lab tests [… Read more ]
DeepCure uses artificial intelligence to scan a molecule database to develop effective, safe medication while cutting down the lengthy traditional process The U.S. startup company [… Read more ]
According to an industry survey conducted by biometric authentication provider authID.ai in partnership with Market Measurement, 80% of fintech decision-makers harbor moderate to high levels of concern about [… Read more ]
In line with “The Great Resignation” that’s swept the U.S., a new report from information-based analytics provider RELX found that 95% of respondents view hiring and retaining AI [… Read more ]
In Define information before you talk about it, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor interviewed engineering prof Robert J. Marks on the way information, not matter, shapes our world (October 28, 2021). In the first [… Read more ]
NVIDIA has been steadily advancing its AI assistant technology in recent months, and now it’s clear just how all the pieces fit together. The company has introduced Omniverse [… Read more ]
A government commission is currently considering an innovation that could be as transformational for Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a hadron collider is for physics. It’s [… Read more ]
Due to the situation caused by Covid 19 various business sectors are replacing manpower with technology. Artificial intelligence has completely changed the outlook of various [… Read more ]
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCHERS are facing a problem of accountability: How do you try to ensure decisions are responsible when the decision maker is not a responsible person, but [… Read more ]
IT’S AN OLD-FASHIONED IDEA that drivers manage their cars, steering them straight and keeping them out of trouble. In the emerging era of smart vehicles, it’s [… Read more ]
Universities are increasingly using computer programs to supervise university students sitting their exams. Is this the future of testing? Due to the pandemic, institutions worldwide [… Read more ]
In 2016 and 2017, chatbots were seen as one of the most important additions to the digital ecosystem, with some experts predicting that they would [… Read more ]
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