Cyber Warfare In The Grey Zone: Wake Up, Washington
WASHINGTON: The entire US government — not just the Pentagon — needs to wake up to the intertwined threats of cyber warfare and political subversion [… Read more ]
WASHINGTON: The entire US government — not just the Pentagon — needs to wake up to the intertwined threats of cyber warfare and political subversion [… Read more ]
“This is the most extensive operation we have ever reported by a Chinese APT group,” the cyber researchers at Check Point told me, warning just [… Read more ]
La plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne Unacademy, basée en Inde, a subi une violation de données qui a révélé des détails sur 22 millions d’utilisateurs, a [… Read more ]
Le numérique a révolutionné le monde de l’information, mais sans compter sur les virus et malwares qui viennent saboter les transferts des données. Dans le [… Read more ]
Envisagée comme une mesure complémentaire de la stratégie nationale de déconfinement progressif prévu à compter du 11 mai, l’application Stopcovid ne sera pas déployée avant [… Read more ]
The Tokopedia data has been published on a well-known hacking forum. A hacker has leaked on Friday the details of 15 million users registered on [… Read more ]
But, this recent conflict has now infected across 75% of the company’s devices globally. After installing it, this dangerous Cerberus variant can accumulate huge amounts [… Read more ]
Google issues yet another update alert as more security vulnerabilities are found in Chrome 81 SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images. Google has warned of yet [… Read more ]
The mysterious Chinese diplomat who ‘hijacked’ a ministerial press conference to lavish praise on Beijing is a former top cyber spy for Beijing. Long Zhou [… Read more ]
Les données personnelles de milliers de lecteurs du Figaro étaient stockées sur un serveur non protégé. Ce qu’il faut savoir. Le 30 avril 2020, l’agence [… Read more ]
I recently wrote about how COVID-19 was driving rapid and dynamic changes for CISOs and a series of cybersecurity phases CISOs are now pursuing to [… Read more ]
Contact tracing is one of the ways some governments, including ours, are suppressing the spread of this virus. When someone falls ill, a special team [… Read more ]
La Cnil a finalement donné son feu vert au développement d’une application de traçage des citoyens afin d’endiguer la pandémie. Non sans exiger de sérieux [… Read more ]
Le RIPE se prononce contre le plan de mise à niveau Internet « New IP » de la Chine et de Huawei et affirme que les normes [… Read more ]
The Hoaxcalls Internet of Things (IoT) botnet has expanded the list of targeted devices and has added new distributed denial of service (DDoS) capabilities to [… Read more ]
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