The AI Education Gap and How to Close It
AI education is broken, how do we solve it? Individuals end up learning a specific tool or tactic in a vacuum. They are missing the [… Read more ]
AI education is broken, how do we solve it? Individuals end up learning a specific tool or tactic in a vacuum. They are missing the [… Read more ]
IN 1992, THE poet Anne Carson published a little book called Short Talks. It’s a series of micro-essays, ranging in length from a sentence to a paragraph, [… Read more ]
Data-centric learning resources are somewhat scattered today, and that’s why we developed a new Data Centric Deep Learning course on the co:rise education platform. It [… Read more ]
Here are the five articles you have to read if you are learning about artificial intelligence or simply interested in expanding your knowledge in this [… Read more ]
On Thursday, OpenAI announced the introduction of an API for its DALL-E image synthesis model that will allow developers to easily integrate its AI image generation technology [… Read more ]
Les cyberattaques ont été classées au cinquième rang des risques les plus importants en 2020, selon un rapport de World Economic Forum. Cette « industrie », qui [… Read more ]
Souffrant de baisses d’effectifs, le fisc mise sur les nouvelles technologies pour maintenir ses résultats. Il n’hésite pas à recourir au datamining, mais également au [… Read more ]
If you’re paying attention to the news at all, you’ll hear terms like ICO, Airdrop and Metaverse thrown around with great frequency. Even beyond the business and [… Read more ]
Google Plans Slow Rollout of AI App Creating Art From TextAlphabet Inc.’s Google is preparing an app that will use artificial intelligence to let consumers [… Read more ]
For over a decade, companies from Google to General Motors have poured billions of dollars into the pursuit of what was seen as the Holy [… Read more ]
The company revealed new advancements in generative AI images and videos and boosted the capabilities of potentially life saving flood and wildfire detection. Google wants [… Read more ]
Sorry, but not even Dolly Parton is sacred amid the encroachment of AI into art. Holly Herndon, an avant garde pop musician, has released a [… Read more ]
To bring information to more people across the globe, Google will build an AI model that can support 1,000 languages. At an AI keynote event [… Read more ]
Artificial Intelligence is fast becoming an essential part of how we work, live and interact with one another, yet many people lack basic knowledge of [… Read more ]
Lockbit 3.0, le gang de rançongiciel russophone qui s’était attaqué à l’hôpital de Corbeil-Essonnes fin août, revendique une cyberattaque contre Thales, révèle France Info. Dans son communiqué, Lockbit [… Read more ]
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