Enter the multiverse – the chat-room game made of AI art
The Bureau of Multiversal Arbitration is an unusual workplace. Maude Fletcher’s alright, though she needs to learn how to turn off caps lock in the [… Read more ]
The Bureau of Multiversal Arbitration is an unusual workplace. Maude Fletcher’s alright, though she needs to learn how to turn off caps lock in the [… Read more ]
Public high school in America was the product of the time of its invention, which was way back in 1821. But in this era of [… Read more ]
Liquidity issues at BlockFi, Genesis, Celsius and other lending firms have tarnished this once-promising growth sector. But not all crypto lenders are created equal. What [… Read more ]
Naveen Joshi15 hours ago The threat of cyber attacks has recently increased dramatically and traditional measures now appear to be insufficiently competent. Because of this, [… Read more ]
As an industry fintech has typically been known for its venture capital-fueled growth but tougher economic conditions and the move to higher interest rates have prompted [… Read more ]
We’ve all seen those scenes from sci-fi movies where a scientist runs a program and then an artificial intelligence (AI) model magically appears to provide [… Read more ]
Pourquoi conserver l’authentification des identités sur site ? Parmi les défis auxquels sont confrontés les services informatiques, l’un des plus récurrents consiste à renforcer la sécurité [… Read more ]
Des chercheurs en sécurité ont mis en lumière une campagne de cyberespionnage opérée par un groupe nommé Bahamut, dont le but est de récupérer des [… Read more ]
Worker burnout. If there is one thing that we can almost all entirely agree on, I dare say it might be the abundance of worker [… Read more ]
A lobby group backed by Elon Musk and associated with a controversial ideology popular among tech billionaires is fighting to prevent killer robots from terminating [… Read more ]
Think Washington lawmakers have what it takes to tackle the volatile world of cryptocurrencies? Neither do they. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of investors just had billions picked [… Read more ]
AI is becoming more sophisticated, and some say capable of writing academic essays. But at what point does the intrusion of AI constitute cheating? “Waiting [… Read more ]
The recent Optus and Medibank data breaches in which thousands of Australians had their personal information stolen have heightened public consciousness of the threat of identity fraud. [… Read more ]
After experiencing record investment volumes in 2021, venture funding is dropping significantly this year amid hiking inflation rates, political instability and tanking stock prices. Investors [… Read more ]
BlockFi, une plateforme de prêts de crypto, a annoncé se placer sous la protection du chapitre 11 de la loi américaine sur les faillites, une mauvaise [… Read more ]
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