Un chercheur entraîne une IA à prendre la poudre d’escampette
On ne présente plus DeepMind, l’entreprise spécialisée en intelligence artificielle de pointe. Ces dernières années, ses ingénieurs se sont illustrés avec tout un tas de [… Read more ]
On ne présente plus DeepMind, l’entreprise spécialisée en intelligence artificielle de pointe. Ces dernières années, ses ingénieurs se sont illustrés avec tout un tas de [… Read more ]
We’ve already seen how AI can give Street Fighter characters human faces. Now, let’s see what it does to manga ones. YouTuber AImikan took images of manga characters [… Read more ]
Verdict lists five of the most popular tweets on artificial intelligence (AI) in Q2 2021 based on data from GlobalData’s Influencer Platform. The top tweets [… Read more ]
Aussi bien pour les particuliers que pour les entreprises de toutes tailles, il est devenu de plus en plus important de considérer les problématiques de sécurité [… Read more ]
Serial Israeli entrepreneur Saar Safra didn’t set off to get into the bee-saving business when he moved back to his native country after 15 years [… Read more ]
Good vs. evil – a tale as old as time – but there is always a gray area, especially when it comes to modern AI [… Read more ]
The replication of human intellectual processes by machines, particularly computer systems, is known as artificial intelligence. Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision [… Read more ]
Le gouvernement chinois sévit contre ce qu’il qualifie d’ «opium mental», et alerte sur ses risques pour la santé et l’éducation. La Chine a annoncé [… Read more ]
Eric J. Topol, MD: Hello. This is Eric Topol with Medicine and the Machine, with my co-host, Abraham Verghese. This is a special edition for us, to [… Read more ]
AI, Machine Learning and Low-Code, No-Code approaches are ushering in the next generation of future-proof Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) initiatives. As the BNPL space expands rapidly, [… Read more ]
Votre prochain avocat pourrait-il être un robot ? Cela semble tiré par les cheveux, mais les logiciels d’intelligence artificielle (IA) – des programmes informatiques capables [… Read more ]
A recent Pew Research study found that a majority of experts and advocates worry AI will continue to focus on optimizing profits and social control and will [… Read more ]
Recently, Google has built one of the most secure and robust cloud infrastructures for processing data and making our services better, known as Federated Learning. [… Read more ]
Training an advanced AI model takes time, money and high-quality data. It also takes energy — a lot of it. Between storing data in large-scale [… Read more ]
In the reality we live in, people live their lives and then leave — for good, never to cross the line and return to the [… Read more ]
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